Meeting 20 10\/22\/1975

Just cleaned up the scan for this one, June 28, 2016…

October 22, 1975


[Notes in [ ]'s are by Fred, 2010.] [This is the next recording I have after the last meeting at W.O.W. hall (May 16, 1975)] [venue unknown] [I don't know if she was reading something she has written. This may be the case, as she was said to be writing...] [On progressing through the transcription, I believe she is reading, because the way the lines are broken into verses, seems like the transcriptionist was transcribing from text?] [Perhaps her hand-written material still exists?]


When God descends upon earth, man turns away his eyes. When God ascends again into heaven, man lifts his deepest heart-cry.

I touched God's golden eye. In my journey deep, I have discovered this youthful play of worlds. This boundless love and I, no more apart, But soar in never ending light into the cosmos-heart.

God's game and I are eternally one. I stand as creation and creator, yet separate from both. I am the emotion of love; I am the knowledge of life. I am suffering complete. I am standing within your hearts as Mother and as Father, As darkness and as light. My goal I have realized and become.

Oh Supreme, you are a song, an eternal, beautiful song. A song upon the lips of the wind. Oh Supreme, though I am now hungry to learn, Learn to sing your song, your song of infinite joy, Of eternal peace of the earth.

Oh Supreme, you are sad, you are always sad. May I also be sad. For in your sadness you have infinite vision, Vision that when you suffer in the suffering of mankind, You understand our hurting hearts, our painful tears. But in your vision complete, you see that in our sorrow, in our desperation, we will seek you, only you, And only when we find you shall we attain illumination That shall take us from the pain, the never ending pain.

Oh Supreme, you constantly obey me. When I say, "Father, do this." I see it done. When I say, "Father, give me this." I receive it. Will I ever learn to obey you this way? Will I ever kneel before you as you kneel before me... Taking time for even my smallest, most selfish prayers?

Oh Supreme, when I look upon my journey, You had so much patience, you waited so long for me to return to you. You've waited for all souls to return to you. Do I ever show even one man that much patience? Can I ever show even one child that understanding? No, my Father, never, if I search beyond all time Shall I be able to complete that you have given me; No, not even to one man.

Oh Father, you are always so forgiving. No matter what I do, you never become angry. You always seem to be at peace, even when I have a troubled heart. Oh Father, will I ever find this joy? I see that the joy lies only in infinite forgiving.

Oh Supreme, you are so wise in your ways of giving all souls your love. You choose carefully a way for each soul to retain your greatest love, Your greatest joy, your greatest peace. May I become that wise so I can give each man only that which he needs, Only that part of him which will give him joy?

Oh Supreme, will I ever, ever know your humility? When I see the light, will I see that I am one with all things? I always want to te1l; I always want to use my love To lift the veil in mankind, so that he can see That I am one with everything.

But Supreme, when I want you, you are always there, In everything you look at, in everything you touch. Yet, you are always willing to wait, to wait in total humility For mankind to see you. Shall I ever be that humble, so much as to step aside, Even though I wish man to see what it is I have gained, What I have brought with me?

Oh Supreme, each morning and each night I hear man curse you, And disobey you, and hate you, But when I look with the eyes or spirit, Always do I see you embracing their souls. Always are you joyful with them. Oh Supreme, shall I have this also, this gift of abundant giving? When man treats me rudely, will I also do this?

Oh Supreme, each day, every day, I ask you these questions, And each day, every day, you give me the same two answers: You say that always shall all have these things; That they are gifts that you constantly give, Abundantly give, selflessly give.

We are all like children on a playground. God has supplied us with a playground, Filled with all kinds of toys and playthings. And we are all experiencing all these things which God has given us. We should understand that all men are following a path, Either consciously or unconsciously, For every soul that the Supreme has granted life is upon this eternal playground. Some men are so occupied with the playthings, with the divine toys, That they never consider who put them there. When man, within his heart, his spark of Divine, the Divine dream, The Divine search, has been ignited, these are the children Who wander the playground, no longer wanting to play, But wanting to hold other children like themselves, Who are seeking for the Father who would give all his children So many things to play upon, so many ways to find pleasure, For they no longer find the same kind of pleasure from them. Their pleasure is that in knowing that someone cared, Cared enough to give all of this. Someone wanted to give life, to grant the right of existence, So all men play from God's eternal playground.

In the Age to come God shall take on a new name. God shall take on the name of "Man", and He shall be one. But in the New Age God shall be referred to, in truth, as the Master Power: That which sustains and grants the right of existence.

In the New Age, upon the earth there shall not be so many Different colors of men, for man shall transcend having this color of skin, And that color of skin, and man shall develop into three races. One shall be the race of divine wisdom. Another, the race of divine love and devotion unto the Master Power And the third, the race of those who shall work, and just serve.

We are preparing to bring forth new ground upon the earth. For God, in his boundless love, is very eager to walk with his souls, Very eager for us, to each one to realize His existence as all things.

We, in our inner seeking, are earning the right to existence, By attempting to enter in and live by the law of the universe, Which states that all things shall obey the Master Power, And recognize their oneness with the eternal plan. This is what we seek: the right to be a part of those beings That shall gain another nation, and become God's promised children, And shall transcend darkness, and shall serve, And remember all service that has been known to earth before.

In the past, there have been but few scattered upon the earth Who truly knew how to serve, how to help God's endless amount of souls. But God has stated that wherever two or more shall be gathered Together in his name,that he is present.

So, in the New Age, many shall be gathered together to serve, And God shall truly be able to speak, and show his ever-present face. Oh Supreme, we graciously thank you for this opportunity That we have this evening. It is our prayer that through our open hearts, Our willing aspiration, that you will reveal to each of us, Individually, the grace that we have received this day -- How to overcome our weaknesses.

Thou hast been before us this evening Because we were gathered for you.

Supreme, man has been around for a long time, And in heaven you stand and see what so many are ready to see. And for this we thank you, that we can be quiet, That we can serve in your service. In your ever-present and holy name we pray, Amen.

Now, any questions?

Q: I just want to say thank you.

S: Thank you. Tonight was my night for expressing all my inner joy of all the things that have been given me this past week. This past year.

Q: Serena, about the New Age; it has begun, hasn't it?

S: Right, it has.

Q: I wonder what time, of earth time, will those things come to pass?

S: Oh, what is earth time? It could happen tonight. Isn't that what Mr. Gore would say? "What's wrong with now?"

Q: When it comes, it will be now.

S: Right, but it won't take that long. Mankind is ... he's seeking, even though he doesn't always admit it everywhere, he is.

Q: You spoke of bringing new ground to the earth plane...

S: Yes.

Q: ... and the prophets all began to look for this some time. Is there any particular location, or is that not good for us to know this now?

S: It's really not very well. I tried that once, and then... but the first new ground which will be brought will not be the earthly, physical ground. It will be the ground we... I spoke of it as foundation, and I found the foundation for what we term earth... The major foundation is our political leaders, the men in power in foundations. And you'll see that more and more of that is going to get overturned, and will become fresh and new, because that's what we need. As many leaders as they've put in, and if these leaders try wrong ways of running their countries, or of doing this and doing that, they switch... They don't always understand it brings harm, but they're so living in the realm of just their own selves that they become blind to the damage they do, which lasts for ages and ages, and always Divine guidance is given to the officers, to the world leaders, but now even more so, because the world ... this is a very physical world, and there are many, many people who are in great physical power, and when this power is understood to be just another aspect of God, like spiritual power, then the world will continue in the physical realm, the physical way, but new light will be shed on the Creator and the Sustainer of these things -- that there is more to living than for a man to fill any means at all to gain power, to gain riches and money, and then suddenly realize at the end of his life that he's struggled, and he's hurt, and he's killed many times, and now he must leave it all. See, so many souls die in fear of this, because they don't want to let go.

So the new ground, the first new ground that will be broken will be: the leaders will be forced to turn to God more, because they won' t ... look at the time we are in now. Constantly leaders are being assassinated, and they are constantly in danger,and they cannot live their lives, not at all, because they're constantly in danger. And this is the Supreme saying: "If you don't look at me, if you don't turn to me for help, then you are alone.” Because the world can't understand, they can't give, because they don't have it to give. So the first ground that will be broken for the new age will be just total fresh leaders all over the world, and it will continue until it balances out and will turn more to Divine power to balance out with earth power.

Q: I was reading in·a magazine where there are really a great number of senators and their wives in Washington now that have a prayer meeting almost every day.

S: That's very encouraging.

Q: I guess manifestation is this way. All manifestations, like the sound of a fog horn. A boat in the fog hears the sound of the horn, and it knows it’s the sound of a ship approaching. Like the sound of a train know a train is coming; it's whistling. So the sound relays to the brain and you perceive the presence for the first time. So the sound is just an indication that a very important large thing is happening. We pass by the whistle and center our attention on the main thing.

S: Right. Very good, Mr. Foote.

Q: How is the United Nations doing?

S: Oh, just fine, just fine. They're very much in turmoil right now. If' you went to the United Nations you'd just see one big mess, right now. That's just because they're just getting started. What they're trying to do... the Divine will put much, much of a spiritual load on that center point, because that's why it has the name it does. It will be a center of world unity, and so naturally when you try to put this high presence, the inner presence into a physical place, then you have a lot of turmoil, so that's what's going on now. They don't quite understand sometimes the pressures that they handle. And Sri Chinmoy, who is trying to work very much with the United Nations, has had a lot of' difficulty, because although they allow him to have meditations, the disciples who work at the United Nations sometimes undergo great struggles in that they have security guards that follow them around, because they are not sure what Sri Chinmoy's up to like, how this little Indian man could have all these kids...they get something like...what do they term them? I’m not sure. What is that thing? (inaudible word)

Q: A common label for anything they don't understand.

S: So you see, this is all new to them. They've had a lot ...

(tape change)

S: ... some of the astronauts and others got together and it was first formed after the museum that a great leader, what was his marne? U Thant gave it a lecture or something, and then it began to develop that they would organize a group of people, and these people would try to give the understanding that we're not citizens of one country, but we're citizens of one earth, one universe, and that we all need to work together, because we're all in the same world, therefore, we're like all in the same country, and we should take care of each other, and give to each other strength. So they're working very hard now, and trying to get lectures all over the world, just to get people informed so that they will try to support this, but they've had some difficulty, from .what I understand; people thinking it's just another gimmick to get their money, but that's not what they're after.

(note from Fred: I think this organization might have been Planetary Citizens. (now defunct))

Q: I think the membership fee is three dollars, and then they have a monthly newspaper or something, a magazine that's five dollars, so for eight dollars you can be a member of this wonderful organization of people like ourselves, who... I think national sovereignty, and I think of the divisions that are created by countries being separate, and this one's being set up for, you know, there are some things that separate us and don't lead us together, so this is really, I think, one of the first really strong steps, this organization...I'll get some more information.

S: Well, good. I think we could have some more pamphlets sent down.

S: When I was in Florida with Harriet, she gave me some pamphlets and I passed them out to a few people, and I may still them out at the trailer with me. We can see, and we can order more.

Q: Write to them in care of Sri Chinmoy?

S: Right. They want people like you with a book store too.

Q: Right.

Q: (inaudible section)(about book store/future meetings)

Q: I may not pronounce this right, but I think it's Urantia? (inaudible) I don't have access now to the book, but I’m going to get it, and I recognize that in something like this ...

S: I didn't read it, but I have heard of it, and Harriet brought me her copy, but I never read it.

Q: Turn to the back, to the life of Jesus.

Q: There was a lot it I didn't understand. It talked of different planes.

S: Well, we have different planes of existence to keep organization in God's plan. It's like, to make it even easier for you to understand why we have different planes, seven planes of existence. It’s the same reason that we have the horoscope pattern, the signs of the Zodiac.

If we didn’t have an organized structure; in other words, we have twelve signs, and each of them have certain attributes, and then we multiply that by having a rising sign and all that to bring even more tendencies, but this structure, this organized structure of the Zodiac enables the Supreme to computerize all the souls. In other words, that gives us the structure to be born under. The things we need to experience when one thing...attribute has to be dominant and another less dominant, then we can come forward, we can incarnate and be born under a particular Zodiac sign, and then there's the last minute, putting the soul there, and saying, "You'll have to feel this, and you'll have this, and you'll work out anger, ... that would be very unorganized, so we have the Zodiac, and you come under that particular sign, and you are that person. And then you have that path that you can work on, that you function through while you are in the earthly body. And then when you get on the spiritual path, you begin to transcend this, and you no longer need to have a structured pattern, such as certain attributes, because you begin to have less and less physical attributes and more so of the Divine. The highest inner attributes begin to come forward.

So we have seven planes of existence, seven basic planes, and then to multiply that it’s like the horoscope -- we have the seven sub-planes on each of the seven planes, which makes forty nlne. So you see, we multiply, and that way we have more planes to work on. The Supreme constantly keeps the organized pattern, the organized structure of the universe very intact. In other words, we can't...people sometimes here feel that we’re just born and we die, but we have to have places to be born from, places to retire to, to rest, to learn from, and everything. So with these seven basic patterns to work from, you can, when you're not aspiring, dwell on a plane of existence in which you will be with others who are experiencing no aspiration for God. Then when you feel intense aspiration, and you begin to turn to the spiritual life, then there's also a plane of existence there in which you would abide, your soul would abide, as you can under­stand it best, with other beings like yourself who wanted God as much or more than you did, so you would learn from each other. Always your souls are grouped together on a plane of existence, a state of consciousness, a state of being where that you can best function for God. In other words, the Christians, so many, believe that... like...well, whenever they found out that I was here, they started sending pamphlets in the mail, one place I lived, about a man who said that meditation was bad, and everything was evil, and the devil was going to get all these people. So this is the belief. If this were true then that would be that would mean that there was no organization in the universe, because that would mean that a man who has turned to God would have all these evil things to fear. In other words, according to them, you are never safe, never. Because the devil will always outdo you, he’s always going to take all your aspiration that you give to God and tear it down and make you suffer, suffer, suffer. And poor God has to sit there and cry His heart out, because He can never get anyone on His side -- the devil gets them all. This would be lack of organization, so it’s organized so that as you aspire, as you grow spiritually, you will transcend one plane of existence and go to another. And as your aspiration increases, you’re increased in higher planes; to where that when you go to bed at night, you no longer have nightmares, or lower dreams. You begin to have complete high experiences. You even transcend dreams" to a point where you actually come forward in, the morning with experiences that you've had with God, or with a friend, or with another soul that you don’t even know, perhaps. So, it's all planned so that as you give more and more to God, God will put you on a plane of existence in which he can give more and more to you. That's our security, God’s constant assurance. It's by these planes of existence that we can dwell on. So we have nothing to fear. The more we give to God, the more he gives to us, to give again to mankind. So that's why we have this. It’s just a very beautiful organized structure of things, all developed just to help us in every way possible.

Q: You start adding up all the things that God does for you, and the few things you think He isn’t doing for you don’t seem much at all, do they?

S: No.

Q: He moves heaven and earth and every living thing just for you.

Q: Do you believe that someone else (inaudible)

S: I believe that beings such as Jesus lived a life on earth, a life of total suffering, almost complete suffering, because I believe he did. I believe that God loves man so much, loves His creation so much that when He can manifest Himself, He does. And I feel that's why Jesus was on the earth; that Jesus was like God's feet, walking among the men, the souls, that God loves so much. And I believe that this love went through a lot of pain to be among God's children, because they hated him, and I believe that this was taking on the suffering of man.

Q: I believe that too, but I'm speaking of the present. Do you think that anything I would do, someone that I love would have to pay for my sins, is what I mean? Am I ...

S: Almost.

Q: Well, I don't even know, mysef'.

S: Do you mean, if someone you love would have to pay for your debts?

Q: Yes, something offered I have to pay for something someone else had done.

S: No, I feel that as we reap, so shall we sow, and as we sow, so shall we reap.

Q: You think that I would have to take my own; no one else would have to.

S: No.

Q: That's what I think is a shame, because I see so many people having to pay, go through it for the people around you paying for something that someone else has done. .

S: Well, this is ... when we find ourselves in a situation like this, it's because of something that has occurred with us, perhaps in another time of existence.

Q: From our past?

S: Right, I feel that it’s all so planned, that God would never put more burden. on one soul than on another. It’s a11 something we must go through, we must experience, and anything that we suffer, we suffer because of something we had done before. If we lose a loved one, then it's for a purpose. Nothing goes without a purpose. And so if we'd constantly... if man would stop rebelling about these things, and learn to go inward and say, "God, why?”. God will really show us, because we all have questions. And I think our questions. please the Supreme. Because, when we have a question...even when I hear someone say, “God, are you really there? Do you really exist?” I'm very pleased, because I see the Supreme is pleased, because it took a hunger to know, or the question would never have been uttered - - even if to many it seems like a very foolish and ignorant question. It's a hunger; it's a deep hunger. And the pleasure and satisfaction that I feel comes in my faith and assurance that because the question was uttered, the Supreme will supply an abundant answer.

So anything, any position that we find ourselves in, is because of a Divine Purpose -- something the Supreme wants us to experience, to feel, to know. And when we experience, it's like the book that they speak of in the Bible, that God writes down every man’s time for birth and time for death. That's the book of our soul, and every­thing that we experience is like the Supreme, writing it all down upon our hearts. And this is what we will have to give to him --our experience that he has chosen for us. I feel that when Jesus came to earth, he was both a Divine Being and yet a man, at the same time. He was man because he had experienced all the pain, all the joys of all men. And he was Divine Being because through these experiences, he had gained infinite knowledge, infinite power, and infinite love, and when the two are combined together, they transcended both man and God, and became the Son of God, which was not Mother or F~ther, but both. It was totally limitless, totally giving --- all suffering, all compassion, all love. And this is how we become. God cannot chose a being to serve mankind by merely saying: “I must have you to learn of the suffering of man, and then I'll send you to earth to work with him.” God could never just say, “This is what suffering is like," and He could never just let a Divine Being look from up on high at suffering man, and enable that, being to come forward and work with man. It must be that the man, that part of God has experienced all these sufferings, all these sorrows, these joys, and then when he was put with the illumination of God, and God's entire vision as to why he had those experiences, then he could come forward, and every time he sees a man, he knows that man completely. Not because God whispers in his ear, but because he sees himself, the very essence of his being in that man. He has experienced suffering, so every man that he meets that is suffering, he knows them. This is why Jesus did -- because he knew suffering. And yet, at the same time, when he saw a woman who was happy over giving birth, he again knew that, for he knew the joy of giving birth to a child. He had to know all these things.

Q: He was acquainted with grief.

S: Right. And then we, through our experiences of suffering and sorrow and joy and happiness upon the earth reach a point where we so surrender to God that we transcend them. We no longer feel having cold, pain and joy. We enter into what is known as God's bliss. It's through our suffering that we find God, and when we find God, we combine the two -- the suffering, which is ignorance, and God, which is the coming out of ignorance into the light. That's why we have darkness and light here -- to show the two opposite poles that sustain and create, the balance of the universe. And we’ve known both of these, then do beings such as Jesus occur. So this is what we're all striving for. This is why Jesus said, “The things, I do, you can do. Become like me, for I am the way. In other words, he says, "Look at me. I love God so much, that I can take a physical body, and can suffer, and I love man so much, that he can kill me -- it's alright, because I know, and I love him.” Because he understood our ignorance, and he knew that we would gain a great experience by what we did to him. So this is what we're all after, some of us consciously, but it's in every creature unconsciously, too. We're seeking to experience, and for every grain of suffering we know, we become wiser in it, because when we suffer, then we're with people. How many times do you hear someone say, “I know exactly what you're going through.”? This is because we have felt it, and if we had never felt it, how cold we could have been. We would not have been able to feel, to have compassion. So the experience of suffering brings about compassion, and Jesus was the man of com­passion. So that's us following along, right at his footsteps, without even realizing it sometimes. So all these things are very, very necessary.

Q: It's said that no matter where we go, we'll eventually meet him.

S: Right. Perhaps you will.

Q: Serena, I'd like ,to ask you a question. You talked about people who talk about the devil and Satan and so forth, and I

have always felt that it is within our own selves to create our problems. I've never personally been able to conceive of such an entity, and yet occasionally we see somebody we know who seemed to be on the path of gaining light, and then suddenly he was thrust into a very negative and evil frame of mind in which it seems that only distrust and ugliness seems to be coming forth from that person. And I just wondered; is this all within themselves, or are there entities who would grasp a personality that's trying to find God?

S: Well, we all have to go through tremendous struggles, because God wants us to be very sure. We would never build a foundation for God if we didn't struggle with doubt, and then again feel the bliss of belief. The feeling of believing is compared to the sorrow and depression of doubt. This struggle helps us to create a foundation which will stand strong. Remember Jesus said, wasn't it to Peter, he said, “You will be my rock," and Peter was the man who was able to deny. So that was showing that Jesus there was saying, “Peter, you are going through many, many struggles. Become my rock; become my foundation.” lt So this shows that in all aspirants, we must have that tremendous struggle.

And there are entities which would seek to bring us to their side, because of their own ignorance. When we choose to live a life. of physical pleasure, or when we choose to live a life of following what the people claim to be black witchcraft, whatever we feel in­side our hearts, that is the plane of existence which we dwell on. The lowest plane of existence is called the lower astral, and it's filled with entities which are seeking physical pleasure, seeking use of the powers of Satan, as they term it, to gain power and fame for themselves over others. And if we're not strong, if we let doubt creep in too much, too much disbelief, then they try to work with us because we bring ourselves to that plane. We ourselves willingly surrender our hearts to the lower planes, if we wish to, or if we try to come up out of it and say, "God, you show me.” That one question can take away all doubt and all pain. That is our constant security that we will never find ourselves in a position of negativity, not totally. We can never be overtaken. Just by saying, "God, what would you have me feel? You plant within me that which is true.” But usually the aspirants who seem to be going so well outwardly -- they're always happy, and they're believing, believing --- but it's much easier to say: “I believe.” than to do “I believe”, and usually, in every case I see, it's because they were going along fine as long as the Supreme did exactly what they thought the Supreme should. And if God says the right things and does the right things, then He's God. But just let God try to really take over what you keep saying you'll surrender to Him, and then we fight, and if you fight, the Supreme won’t fight back. The Supreme will just let you fight among your­selves. And so when we fight against the will of God, it's like --if we say we are going to surrender, and the Supreme puts us to a test of surrenderance, and we don't surrender what we said we would, then the Supreme remains eternal. He's always giving us the same thing, it is only we open ourselves to Him, can we see. And the people who don't give, then they find themselves in this negative frame of mind, because what is a Satan lover, or a man of physical pleasure, but one who constantly says, “I will do this, and I will do that.” It but he never accomplishes it. So it is just like words out into the air, they never get accomplished; nothing ever happens. And so the negative entities see a soul who constantly says, “Supreme do this, or Supreme do that," and the Supreme does it, and we turn, and we say, "That was wrong. He didn't really do it. It's our own doing.” It’s when we don't surrender. But all we have to do --if we would just go to God in prayer about everything instead of...we seem to try to take it on ourselves. And want to do everything our own self, our own way. And all you have to do is ask God for understanding, and open yourself to that understanding, and it will be given you. Because anything that we ask, it's always given immediately.

Q: Even if you don't love your fellow man?

S: Even if you don't love your fellow man, because the Supreme knows that it takes a long time to really love, and evert if a man can say, "I love my fellow man,” that is not proof that he does. That's up to the Supreme; so all of us are learning, no matter what. So every prayer is answered. Of course, if it’s a selfish prayer, this is usually where the aspirants run into trouble. They pray a very selfish prayer -- there's a story in the Bible about a man who prayed and said, "Oh, don't let me be like those other men; they're this and this,” and the Supreme will grant you just that, but you'll find that in that security, the feeling... it's like, if you pray a prayer like that, the Supreme will give you total complete feeling of security that, "Oh, my prayer's going to be answered, and I'll never have to be like that man, It and then as days go by, these things creep up on you and you begin to see that they are the very essence of your being. So the Supreme answers every prayer, but when they're that selfish, the prayer cannot fully manifest, because... a certain amount of it does by this security that the man felt when he prayed it. He suddenly knew by his praying that he would never have to worry, but because he was not open, the prayer could not manifest. The Supreme sends constantly to us, answering. His grace answers every prayer. But if we're not very won't be complete. Did that question get answered at all?

Q: Yes, thank you.

Q: Well, what would be the best prayer if you are not sure of the right thing?

S: Oh Supreme, your will, completely your will, all through me, all inside me, all around me, every word I speak. In fact, Supreme, only let me breathe when you want me to, and then show me that this is so. It's a complete surrendered prayer. What could go wrong? Everything is yours.

Q: I learned that, because everything I ever prayed for, I got. I learned to be careful what you set your heart or dreams upon, because it surely shall be given.

S: Right. I was driving in the car the other day, and I turned on the radio, and there was this man who was preaching very violently, just very violently, just shouting, and the radio was turned very low it seemed, and he was saying that everybody has to pray: to pray that we will do what God wants us to do, that we will help, that we will give; and then he says, " ... but, if you do, you better be careful. It's bad to pray that prayer, but we have to pray it,” he said. Because it was so true. He knew that everything was going to come true, so it was really a bad thing, but we had to do it: we all had to pray that. He was saying, “If you pray this prayer, just look out for all this struggle, but we have to.”

Q: One of the Christian hymns says, "Mold me and make me after thy will.” I use that prayer when I don’t know what to do.

Q: I think one of the most lovely words that you've invented, Serena, is “surrenderance”. I love it, and the first time you said it, it had this beautiful vibration.

S: When I was in New York, I asked around. The woman I stayed with was so intelligent, I would go to her about these words. I wasn't quite sure I ever heard it anywhere, but it sounded right, and she would always say, “Well, Serena, if you want to use it, I'm sure it will be alright.” She would never tell me, but I knew by what she said that they weren't really words.

Q: That's how words get invented: somebody made them up.

Q: But one thing that is awfully hard to overcome or forget is the loss of a loved one.

S: But, when we feel this, in all truth, it is just a tiny bit of selfishness within us, and it’s very common; it's very understandable, because when we are happy on earth, and we don't have complete under­standing of inner happiness, then God gives us all these outer things that one must get. He allows us to have the feeling of love, which is like God, physical God, and when it is taken away, and we feel this deep feeling of missing something, longing for something that we don’t seem to have the power to bring back. But this is just a physical thing, and if we turn the same experience inwardly, if you give it all unto God, and God gives it unto your soul, then what you feel... your soul experiences that same feeling that you had when your loved one was present on earth. The soul experiences it in the realm of the soul, and you recall when you and God were one in the beginning, and then God was taken away, and that feeling of longing for that loved one goes to you in the realm of soul. And suddenly your soul... you transcend that physical longing, and you have the longing of the soul. And it's much different in the soul, as it is in the physical. In the physical realm, when we lose that part of God that was taken away, we feel very helpless -- we can't bring it back. We can just feel sorrow. But when we transcend the physical, and we feel the same feeling for God in the realm of the soul, we no longer feel helpless. We feel endowed with Divine Power, because it's through this longing to have this loved one, this God, back to us that we'll gain our oneness with him again. So if every physical experience we have, if we can give it to God, try to transcend it in the physical, and put it in the realm of the soul, then we'll experience that seme thing, that it was God in the physical realm you wanted, and so it can be God in the inner realm, and when you seek God in the inner realm, you will be fulfilled. But in the physical realm we live in the realm of the mind, and the mind can never be fulfilled. It's never satisfied. It's always doubting and disbelieving, and it likes to gossip and this and this, because the mind constantly searches, but it doesn't know what for. But when, you surrender to the heart, the heart knows what it wants. The heart knows that only God will satisfy its every need. So when we give the mind to the heart and they become friends, as it is called, then they work together.

You see, the mind is very alert, very quick, very talkative, very aggressive, and the mind just scampers out all over the world, brings in all these quotations and these philosophical ideas, and these pictures of God, and brings them in, and it can do nothing with them. But if the mind and the heart become friends, and the mind gives these things to the heart, then the heart is totally and utterly delighted, because then it can give divine interpretation. Through the mind we have knowledge; through the heart we have wisdom. We can have only wisdom with the heart, so when we build a bridge between the two...there's a very good meditation to do, in fact, to try to gain this understanding: of sitting and imagining the brain and the heart center, which is here (in the chest), and building a golden bridge between the two, building it yourself all through the meditation--a golden bridge; just build it all the way across here (between the forehead and the heart), and then walk back and forth over it to get comfortable, and then stop in the middle of it.

(end of tape)

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